Food For Thought

Appetizer Buffet and Talk:

FRI, March 21 | 6:30 - 8pm

With Resident Teacher Gen Tsoglam

Gather with community for delicious appetizers & mocktails, followed by Buddha's wisdom for tricky situations with others.

When faced with having difficult conversations, we may try to avoid them, repress our true feelings, or lash out in anger... or all of the above! Ultimately, these approaches won't lead to good results.

With Buddha’s insight, we can develop the skill we need to deal with prickly people and challenging situations. We can learn how to navigate even the most challenging interactions calmly and wisely, and how to speak with clarity and compassion.

Pre-registration is greatly appreciated.


Kadampa Meditation Center Houston
1110 Lovett Blvd, Houston, TX 77006

A smiling Buddhist nun wearing glasses and maroon robes stands in front of a shrine featuring a golden Buddha statue and colorful thangka artwork.

Resident Teacher Gen Tsoglam

Gen Tsoglam is an ordained Kadampa Buddhist nun and close disciple of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. She has been practicing and teaching under his guidance for over 20 years. Her teachings are heartfelt, practical, and presented with warmth, humor, and joy.

Gen Tsoglam has been Resident Teacher at several Kadampa Centers around the US and brings a wealth of experience. She has engaged in numerous meditation retreats, as well as teaching and skillfully guiding many retreats.

Gen Tsoglam teaches at the Center on Sunday Mornings, Monday Evenings, and the Foundation Program. She also teaches our branch classes on Tuesdays in The Heights and Wednesdays in The Woodlands, as well as retreats and special events throughout the year.

© 2024 KMC Houston is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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