Open House

KMC Houston
1110 Lovett Boulevard - Montrose
Houston, TX, 77006

Free parking is available in the lot behind the Center and on the surrounding neighborhood streets.

Cost: free 

Learn more about our different levels of membership.

Drop by anytime to check out the Center! Members of our community will be around to meet you, answer any questions and offer a short tour and meditation. During the tour, you will learn about the symbolism of the statues in our main meditation room. During the meditation, you will be led in a simple breathing exercise to connect to a peaceful place within. Our bookstore and gift shop will also be open!

2:00PM Doors open
2:15PM Guided Tour
2:30PM 15-min guided meditation, talk and Q & A
3:00PM Refreshments and Conversation
3:15PM Guided Tour
3:30PM 15-min guided meditation, talk and Q & A
4:00PM Refreshments and Conversation

If you have any questions please email: [email protected]

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