Refuge Retreat with Gen Kelsang Wangpo

Refuge Retreat

Monday Mar 22 · 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Cost: $5 per session; $15 per day; $40 entire retreat 

Learn more about our different levels of membership.

We know from experience that the external everyday things of this world – our jobs, relationships, possessions, status, etc. – cannot supply us with real security or happiness. All of these things are fleeting. Finally, they vanish altogether. They are not a real source of protection; this is why Buddhist go for refuge in a more reliable way.

In Buddhism going for refuge means finding inner protection from our problems by developing special Dharma realizations with the help of Buddha’s blessings and the encouragement from our Sangha friends. Establishing inner refuge in our mind and heart is the foundation for experiencing freedom and joy in the present moment and in the future.

In this retreat, we will focus on the powerful meditation practice of going for refuge to the three jewels, Buddha – the enlightened beings who guide and assist us in our practice, Dharma – the actual spiritual experiences we gain from our practice and Sangha – the spiritual community that supports us in our practice. The practice of refuge in these three jewels is the very essence of Buddhist practice.  In this retreat we will be guided through a series of meditations, prayers and recitations to deepen our understanding and experience of refuge practice.

This class is being held weekly Monday, Mar 22 - Friday, Mar 26

If you have any questions please email: [email protected]

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