Understanding Karma: The Power of Purification and Mini Retreat with Gen Kelsang Wangpo

Understanding Karma: The Power of Purification and Mini Retreat

Saturday Nov 16 · 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

KMC Houston
1110 Lovett Boulevard - Montrose
Houston, TX, 77006

Free parking is available in the lot behind the Center and on the surrounding neighborhood streets.

Cost: $20 

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Karma, the law of cause and effect, is at the heart of our experiences in our daily lives. In the first part of the workshop, we will explore the profound teachings on karma, and how our thoughts, words, and actions shape our future. We will gain insight into the four factors that establish a karmic seed: The intention, the preparation, the action itself, and the completion of the action. Understanding karma empowers us to take responsibility for our choices and to transform our lives.

Purification is a powerful practice that allows us to cleanse and purify the negativities that weigh us down. In the second part of the workshop, we will look at the Four Powers of purification: Regret, Reliance, the Opponent Force, and Promise. Discover how these transformative powers can purify our negative karma, free us from its effects, and create the conditions for positive change. Through guided meditations and teachings, learn practical techniques to release regrets, cultivate reliance on positive sources, and establish strong resolutions for a pure mind and heart.

In addition, we can embark on a guided mini-retreat that focuses on the practice of Buddha Vajrasattva. Vajrasattva is a manifestation of enlightened wisdom and compassion, specifically associated with purification. Through mantra recitation, visualization and meditation, we engage in the powerful practice of Vajrasattva to cleanse our minds of negativities and pave the way for spiritual growth and transformation. This guided retreat will offer a precious opportunity to deepen our connection with this enlightened being and experience the purifying power of Vajrasattva practice firsthand.

If you have any questions please email: [email protected]

Feel free to take advantage of our option for you to pre-register online.
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